
奥巴马的一节课 A Lesson From Obama
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The new semester is beginning soon, the first lesson from celebrities are always catching the media’s attention. The American president Obama deliver a lesson on why we need to receive education. This lesson is simple and profound, he called on the students to work hard.


Obama as the first black president in America, has opened the new era for the country. His life is inspiring and encourages the young generation to fight for their dreams. When Obama was very small, his family was very poor and did not have the enough money to support his education, but his mother would not give up on his education, so she taught this little boy at home at her spared time.


Education brings Obama the chance to compete with other guys and makes some changes of his life. He pointed out that though education can’t make sure to make big money, it cultivated you to be a better person and made you a skilled man.


The lesson from Obama inspires students to focus on study and fight for their future.


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