是敞开心扉,展示真实的自己,还是每天带着面具过疲惫人生。It's up to you!
希望自己做回真实的自己!Just be yourself!
For better or for worse, to be yourself not just a saying.
And to be yourself is all that you can do!
“做真实的自己”除了上面的 Just be yourself 外,在英文中还有另外一个表达是"let your hair down"。
To let one's hair down 的实质意思也就是解除表面的装饰,使一切显得很自然、真实和放松。后来,"let your hair down"(把头发散开)就用来表示“放松、展现真实的自己”。
1. To let one's hair down 不一定用在女性上,男性同样可以用!例如:
The president has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people.
2. To let one's hair down 也可以用在朋友之间,就像下面这个例子一样:
Sally, we've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.