按照本函下列清单, 附上应兑现的汇票。
We enclose for realization drafts as per the list at foot.
Enclosed please find drafts drawn as follows:
Enclosed we hand you two Bills of Lading fo rthe goods, per m.s. "Shizuoka Maru" to Hongkong.
依照您的订单同函奉上80包羊毛的发票, 请查收。
Enclosed please find the invoice of 80 bales wool bought by your order.
随信附上50箱货物的发票, 请查收。
Enclosed you will find an invoice of 50 cases goods.
随信附上订单三张, 请立即安排。
Enclosed please find three orders for immediate attention.
随信附上贴邮票的信封一个, 静候回音。
A stamped envelope is enclosed for reply.
随函附上订单一张, 请填妥后并附来支票为荷。
An order form is enclosed. Fill it out and attach your check.
Enclosed we hand you an invoice, $5,000, for 10 cases goods.
Enclosed we hand you a draft, $100, drawn on your goodselves by our seattle house.