a hedge against inflation n. 防止通货膨胀的措施
a prudent monetary policy n. 稳健的货币政策
absolute advantage n. 绝对优势
accounting n. 会计学;帐目清算;财会
accounting fraud n. 做假帐
accounting scandal n. 财务丑闻
bookkeeping n. 记帐
financial statement n. 财务报表
keep the public informed of the financial affairs 财务公开
acquire v. 购置、获取,购买,取得所有权
acquisition of assets n. 购置资产
active balance (passive balance/ unfavorable balance) n. 顺差 (逆差)
advanced technologyn. 先进技术
aggregate demand n. 总需求
aggregate supply n. 总供给
allocation of financial resources n. 金融资源配置
ample supply n. 供应充裕
an average annual increase n. 年均增长
annual return n. 年利润
anti-dumping measures n. 反倾销措施
areas for the market access n. 市场准入领域
asset n. 资产
associate company (subsidiary / affiliate) n.联营公司 (子公司、附属公司)
autarky n.自给自足; 经济独立(政策、地区、国家)
authorization bill n. 授权书
bad loans n. 不良贷款
banking n. 银行业
【glossary 扩展】
investment bank n. 投资银行
Goldman Sachs 高盛
HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) 汇丰银行
Bank of America 美洲银行
Deutsche Bank 德意志银行
bankruptcy protection n. 破产保护
block release n. 脱产进修
boom n./v.(经济)突然膨胀
bottom line n. 帐本底线, 底线
brand loyalty n. 对某个牌子的忠诚度
brand names n. 品牌
Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系(一国际金融体系)
budget n. /v. 预算
budget deficit n.预算赤字
budget surplus n. 预算盈余
budgetary items n. 预算项目
business cycle n. 商业周期
business fraud n. 商业欺诈
business mechanism n. 创业机制
business prototype n.商业原型、商业模型