eesh (int)
interjection indicating surprise, disbelief or shock.
【例】the world is gonna end! eesh! [james madison university, harrisonburg, va, 1998]
8-ball (n)
old english 800- 40 oz. of malt liquor.
【例】that 8-ball got me drunk. [st. philips college, san antonio, tx, 1998]
86 (v)
to throw out; to get rid of. to tell someone not to do it. 86 that!
【例】 he 86ed that old car and got a new one. [eastern michigan university, ypsilanti, mi, 1998; st. philips college, san antonio, tx, 1998]
el (n)
a marajuana cigarette.
【例】pass me the el. [arizona state university, tempe, az]
engi-nerd (n)
an engineering student. that dorm is full of engi-nerds.
【例】quit acting like an engi-nerd. [university of illinois urbana/champaign, urbana, il, 1999]
erf (int)
general expression of stress or confusion.
【例】erf! i forgot where i parked my car![university of houston, houston, tx]
errr..... (adj)
crazy, stupid or dumb.
【例】she is so errr.....; she'll never finish that project. [redlands community college, el reno, ok]
evildude (evildudette, evildudess) (n)
someone devious, sneaky, 'good at being bad, but not necessarily someone you don't like.
【例】 leila is the evildudess of elm street! [montreat college, montreat, nc, 1998]