A:What happened?发生什么事了?
B:That’s it, my lease is up. I have to move.我的租期到期了,我必须搬出去。
A:What? Why? Can’t you renew it?为什么?不能延长租期吗?
B:The owner apparently is selling this place to make way for the construction of a parking lot.房东显然将这个地方卖了来为修建停车场腾地方。
A:Well, I can help you pack. We should start looking for a new place for you ASAP.好的,我能帮你收拾东西。我们应该尽快为你找到新的住所。
B:I think I might move in with my parents for a couple of months until I can find something. You know how hard it is to find a decent place around here. I’m gonna have to put most of my stuff in storage for a while.我想我得搬回父母家里呆2个月之道我找到新的住所。你知道在这附近找一个合适的地方有多难!我得把我大多数的东西存在父母那里。
A:Well, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out.好吧,有什么我能帮上忙的。
B:Actually, would you mind looking after my pet tarantula and snake for a couple of weeks?你能否帮我照看宠物狼蛛和宠物蛇一段时间?