da beefy mac (n)
a guy who's a master pimp.
【例】ronnie is da beefy mac; he's got 3 girlfriends. [university of florida, gainsville, fl]
da bomb diggity (adj)
very cool; very good.
【例】 his gear is da bomb diggity![university of miami, miami, fl, 1998; university of texas at austin, austin, tx, 1999; south carolina university, charleston, sc]
da man (n)
the establishment; the organization; the bureaucratic up-tights who have all the money and keep the common folk down.
【例】da man is keeping us down. [texas a &m, college station, tx, 1998]
da nazis (n)
anyone of authority who will break up a party (such as the resident advisor, resident director, security or public safety)
【例】we had a nice party going, but da nazis broke it up. [northern michigan university, marquette, mi]
daggy (adj)
gross; beaten up; in a poor state of repair. this is often used to refer to a trampy, greasy-looking person. what a dog!
【例】ewwww, he's soooo daggy! you shouldn't use that backpack anymore - it's so daggy. [pacific university, forest grove, or, 1999]
damn right (int)
in agreement with someone; that's true.
【例】damn right! that test sucked. [university of dc, washington,dc]
damn straight (phr)
correct; damn right.
【例】you're damn straight! i'm goin' to crach now. [montclair state college, montclair, nj]
1. (n) penis.
【例】don't be lookin at my dank dude.
2. (n) marijuana.
【例】where's the dank at yo.
3. (n) dumb person.
【例】you're such a frickin' dank. [grand valley state university, allendale, mi , 1998]
4. (adj) the best around; top of the line.
【例】that concert was dank! [state university of new york (suny), potsdam, ny; university of vermont, burlington, vt]